White House

Disturbing Trends

DISTURBING TRENDS By Bonnie M. Parsley According to the 2019 poll taken by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, 70% of Millennials would likely vote for a socialist. The same poll showed that support for capitalism has declined among this group in just the past year. This is terrifying. This alarming statistic shows the total failure of our schools and universities to educate students on the reality of socialism/communism/collectivism. As we approach Thanksgiving, polls such as this makes us wonder how many young people understand and are grateful for the great gift of freedom that our Constitution guarantees. The ignorance […]

Major League Rip-Off 1

An Update on What you need to know about Community Choice Aggregate (CCA) By James E. Horn President Ronald Reagan once said that the most terrifying thing we can hear is: “I’m from the guvmint and I’m here to help you. Consumers must be beware An phony offering or promising (with abundant sweet talk, fuzzy math, and vague promises) to bring reduced electric bills Community Choice Aggregates is commonly known as a Regional Council of Governments (RCOG) or something similarly named. A Regional Council of Governments (RCOG) derives from or is subordinate to a state Association of Councils of Government […]

Learn just bit to understand Islam better

*Terms, practices, or words used regularly in Mosques in the USA, in dealings with Americans, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. Arabic/Islamic words and terms that we Kufar (kafirs), dhimmi, non-Moslem infidels will find helpful and clarifying. Understanding Moslem values and ethics will remove your confusion and inability to comprehend Moslem thinking. ABD Arab word meaning Slave. Abdulla, Abdalla and other derivatives means a man who is a slave to Allah. ALWAGAHA Chutzpah, audacity, arrogance AMTULLAH Arab word meaning female Slave to Allah. There are over forty (40) words in Arabic describing female slaves. These words serve to categorize female slaves […]

The Green, or is it red, or perhaps – whatever deal

The Deal and The Plan By James E. Horn Now, there’s the latest new Deal by whatever color. It’s part of the Plan, the Statist Plan. To begin, I will use the word statist which includes bad actors such as Islam – a political organization that hides behind the façade of being a religion, the Democrats, the Socialists, Progressives, the Communists, and fellow travelers. When George H. W. Bush returned from a conference Rio in 1992, he was asked about a treaty that he had signed and responded with a snide: “Welcome To The New World Order”. What did that […]

Getting Out of Syria

Getting Out of The Syrian Sand Pit By James E. Horn We hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the scrambled egg hat wearing brass at the Pentagon. President Trump is pulling out of Syria. I think that is wonderful and shows that President Trump is smart – brilliant. The brass hat generals are little concerned about the many American body bags that have already come home, and the hundreds of shattered, wounded men. They just want more American blood and guts spread in the sands of Syria. The vast majority of those generals and their sycophant staffers have […]


Strasbourg, Yellow Vests, Colonization, Colonials and Citizens Push Back By James E. Horn We Americans missed the boat, or can we say that we dodged this bullet? Led by the British colonization of America plus the British and the French, Western Europeans colonized, Africa, the Middle East, and much of Asia. They are now harvesting the fruits of their labor….. Early on, the American colonies (with the valued help of France) kicked the British out, and we’ve (Americans, British, French) been more-or-less allies in many ways ever since. However, since joining the socialist European Union and repeatedly electing socialist governments […]

President Trump, Shrewd, Smart, Competent

A very impressive analysis with a couple of small additions by me. Shalom Rabbi Dov Fischer, an attorney and adjunct professor of law, is a Senior Rabbinic Fellow at the Coalition for Jewish Values, congregational rabbi of Young Israel of Orange County, California, and holds prominent leadership roles in several national rabbinic and other Jewish organizations. He has been Chief Articles Editor of UCLA Law Review, clerked for the Hon. Danny J. Boggs in the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, and served for most of the past decade on the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council […]

Pressure valve Latin America

Invasion Force Caravan, Pressure Release By James E. Horn During my lifetime, I have observed that in order to get some people or animals to do something, the occasional application of a psychological cudgel is needed. Right now, we are facing a national emergency. The mob/caravan of invaders heading our way can and should be stopped by either their own governments, by Guatemala, or Mexico, or us. While some of the members of those caravans may be innocent, we cannot determine who are innocent or who are malignant violent career criminals, smugglers, slavers, America hating Moslem terrorists, druggies, pedophiles, rapists, […]

Political Rape

The Inquisition and Rape of Brett Kavanaugh By James E. Horn The swamp cannot tolerate President Trump’s being legitimately elected to the Presidency and anything and everything he is doing, most of which is good, decent, and valuable for the American people The swamp has gone insane trying to destroy the Trump administration, and are seemingly (hopefully) destroying themselves. They are succeeding in this because they have no redeeming values, no class, no character. They have adopted the Napoleonic code of an accused being guilty until proven to be innocent. Their current target is Brett Kavanaugh, his nomination to the […]


Spies, Espionage, Collusion THE SWAMP Be James E. Horn Former FBI director and now partisan hack Robert Mueller is a true boogeyman knowingly in search of a faux boogeyman dubbed Russian collusion based on a contrived (fake) accusation. After more than 500 days of not finding anything to implicate President Trump, Mueller needs to look at himself in a mirror to see a real, genuine enemy of we-the-people’s presidency. Mueller’s gross, failed witch hunt is simply disgusting. Nobody should doubt for a minute that Russians colluded by paying millions to Hillary and her gangster crew and sent millions to others […]