MOVING ON … James E. (Jim) Horn, Jan 18 2017 On January 20th, at high noon, Donald J. Trump will place his left hand on a Holy Bible, raise his right hand and will swear an oath to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies both domestic and foreign” and with that will become our new President of the United States of America. That sacred oath has been on the back burner for the past eight years. President-Elect Trump has made many promises, and there are many really unhappy folks (on the loser side) in […]


MIDDLE EAST PEACE POSSIBILITY By Former Diplomat, James E. Horn The incoming President of the United States will be confronted with a Middle East in ever escalating conflict and tragic bloodshed, a violent conundrum that has flummoxed the Obama/Hillary/Keary gang of fools. Or are they fools? Depending on their perspective, they have each been very well funded (bought and paid for) by the Sunni Saudis and their partners, and Iran (Obama’s chief string puller, Valerie Jarrett is Shia Iranian while Hillary relies on her Sunni sidekick, Huma Abedin). To be fair, the Bush administration didn’t manage this Iraqi deal well […]