

There Are Socialists and Then There Are Socialists By James E. Horn There are two (2) kinds of socialists in this world, benign and malignant. BENIGN SOCIALISTS God is a socialist and if one lives by his rules, life will be good. Jesus, the ultimate altruist was a benign socialist who preached about God’s love. Churches, Synagogues, Buddhist, Taoist, and Hindu temples, etc. who promote goodness are benign. Israel is benign in that it wants to have a life of freedom and liberty for its citizens free of threats and attacks by anti-Semites. The United States’ Constitution and Bill of […]

There is No Diplomatic Solution

By Janet Levy. Originally posted on AMERICAN THINKER Educaton Jihad: Promoting Islam in American Schools By Janet Levy, AMERICAN THINKER For decades, organizations and individuals have undermined our American education system by attacking our beliefs in a constitutional republic and our fundamental Judeo-Christian principles. These have been supplanted with a “multicultural” viewpoint, which has taken the place of traditional American perspectives and values with accommodation and appeasement of protected minorities depicted as victims of the dominant culture. Oil-rich Arab-Muslim nations, including Saudi Arabia and its Muslim Brotherhood cohorts, have used multiculturalism to target impressionable youths in our public schools, promote […]

Will Those Doors Stay Shut?

By James E. Horn Mohammed’s colonizing Islam is just plain evil and more people outside of the West know and understand than those many willfully ignorant, so-called intellectuals and self-proclaimed smart people in the west. Two countries where I have lived are stepping up to slam the door to Islamofascist colonizers. Others are likewise closing their doors to nasty colonizers, aka Islamofascists. They are courageous, wise people. Their wisdom is derived from bitter experience of their ancestors. We can learn a great deal by watching them and then emulating them. Africa From 1971-1973, I lived in a capital city called […]

An Obama Legacy

LEGACY DUMP James E. Horn, December 17, 2016     Barak Hussein Obama, our first Moslem in the White House has dumped a huge, messy, ugly legacy on Donald Trump.  Obama’s post January 20 title ought to be something like:  The Ugly Legacy Loser, the Former, Now Disgraced, President. This is both good and bad.  It is good because Obama’s really ugly messes which were intertwined with Hillary’s incompetence and nastiness are a terrible legacy.  Combined, Obama and Hillary enabled Trump to win the election. Come January 20, President Trump will start to clean this up.  He is already […]

Russian Controversy, SecState, Liberals Whining + a couple of facts.

Trump, Russians, SecState, Diplomacy, Clinton Corruption By James E. Horn Donald Trump won the election to be the 45th President of the United States of America.  Period.  But, the discussion, the whining, the complaining, and the lying continues. Donald Trump will be the first “citizen” President – to have never served in an elective political office or in the armed forces.  He is therefore unique and special. The collective left, the Democrats, the Islamists, the Communists, and the Socialists (DICS) went off, over the edge spewing their vitriol, shrill lies, and hatred, and doing all that they can to […]


DO UNTO OTHERS AS THEY… By James E. Horn My friend, Mike, contacted me recently with a question.  He was in a discussion with someone who claimed that the vast majority of hate crimes taking place in the United states are against Moslems and wanted some information.  This piqued my curiosity because I know in my heart that such is not true.     Matthew 7:12 (see also Luke 6:31):  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.     This is the Golden Rule of Christianity, and a law of Moses passed on to the Jews.  It […]


Benghazigate Updated, March 11, 2015 By James E. Horn Retired U.S. Diplomat (Counter Terrorism) Author: EXPERIENCING ISLAM [Censored by the CIA, Banned by Librarians] MOSLEM MEN FEAR WOMEN ISLAM IN THE WORKPLACE HEALTHCARE IN AMERICA We need to demand that the Congress investigate even deeper into the reasons why Benghazi was attacked by Islamic terrorists. What was really going on in Benghazi that Clinton and Obama are so desperate to bury. Why, with evidence pointing out that Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama knew at least ten days before the attack that the attack was being planned. Do they know […]