Moslem Botherhood


The Saudi Monarch, King Saliman, is aged and frail. His days are numbered. In Islamic terms, he has been liberal during his reign, establishing, for instance, that women should (at some time in the future) be permitted to drive cars. King Saliman is one of many of children sired by his father with multiple wives in a tradition that goes back 100+ years to when the modern Saudi nation arose out of the rubble of the Ottoman Empire which was dismantled following World War I when the Turks sided with the losing side, the Germans. The origins of multiple wives […]

The Swamp Swallows Tillerson

The Swamp Swallows Tillerson By James E. Horn, former Diplomat Secretary of State (SECSTATE) Rex Tillerson just humiliated himself and embarrassed the Trump administration. SECSTATE Tillerson seems to have been badly muddied by denizens of the Deep State swamp at Fogy Bottom. Tillerson failed to adequately sweep the halls of grossly inept employees. A majority of policy wonks and advisors at the Department of State are elitists from solidly leftist/liberal Ivy League colleges and universities. This means that many are ideologically stuck in the cement of arrogant willful ignorance about much of the world, especially the Middle East. There is […]

An Obama Legacy

LEGACY DUMP James E. Horn, December 17, 2016     Barak Hussein Obama, our first Moslem in the White House has dumped a huge, messy, ugly legacy on Donald Trump.  Obama’s post January 20 title ought to be something like:  The Ugly Legacy Loser, the Former, Now Disgraced, President. This is both good and bad.  It is good because Obama’s really ugly messes which were intertwined with Hillary’s incompetence and nastiness are a terrible legacy.  Combined, Obama and Hillary enabled Trump to win the election. Come January 20, President Trump will start to clean this up.  He is already […]

Russian Controversy, SecState, Liberals Whining + a couple of facts.

Trump, Russians, SecState, Diplomacy, Clinton Corruption By James E. Horn Donald Trump won the election to be the 45th President of the United States of America.  Period.  But, the discussion, the whining, the complaining, and the lying continues. Donald Trump will be the first “citizen” President – to have never served in an elective political office or in the armed forces.  He is therefore unique and special. The collective left, the Democrats, the Islamists, the Communists, and the Socialists (DICS) went off, over the edge spewing their vitriol, shrill lies, and hatred, and doing all that they can to […]


DO UNTO OTHERS AS THEY… By James E. Horn My friend, Mike, contacted me recently with a question.  He was in a discussion with someone who claimed that the vast majority of hate crimes taking place in the United states are against Moslems and wanted some information.  This piqued my curiosity because I know in my heart that such is not true.     Matthew 7:12 (see also Luke 6:31):  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.     This is the Golden Rule of Christianity, and a law of Moses passed on to the Jews.  It […]


James E. Horn, September 10, 2015 During America’s 239 years of existence, we have fought many wars, first to gain our freedom, then to preserve our freedom and the freedom of others in America and then around the world. American Presidents have been called ‘war presidents’ during these periods, and most were heroes for sticking up for others. In recent years a new phenomenon has arisen – WAR MONGER PRESIDENTS. These have been mercenaries using American troops in improper ways. The first WAR MONGER among them was William “Slick Willie” Clinton who was tasked by his Gulf oil Arab financiers […]


By James E. Horn The Moslem Brotherhood’s Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has unleashed a sustained assault on the Republican Party regarding curbing Republican activities in educating Americans in the arena of American politics. This action is consistent with the Moslem Brotherhood’s efforts to suppress the first Amendment rights of free speech, the freedom to speak, and the freedom for others to hear. The GOP must ignore these bullying jihadi (holy war against our Constitution) attempts at intimidation aimed at silencing (killing the messengers) America’s important Republican organizations. This is what a patriotic, Constitution supporting organization must do – […]