
Women of Islam

From the moment they leave the womb, Moslem women are infused with Islamic, Mohammedist teachings (Mohammed heard the biblical tale of Adam and Eve and made it a part of his teachings), that women are sinful, inferior beings deserving of all that befalls them. Moslem women are not free – ever. They are destined to be owned – controlled by men as wives or slaves. Their fathers sell them. The men in their family can ‘honor’ kill them based on a whim. They must obey their fathers, brothers, husbands, sons or be beaten for any infraction. Many Moslem women wear […]

9/11 plus 22-years

An octogenarian, I have learned, seen, and experienced things that most people don’t get a chance to do. In this essay, I write to inform, to teach about Islam/Moslems, something that I know and understand well. Over time, I have assembled a glossary of some Arabic terms that the reader may find useful: Dar-al-Harb – land of war, battle: America What is a MOSQUE in Dar-al-Harb? A mosque is, in military terms, a Forward Observation Base (FOB) and a place to indoctrinate and train future terrorists; and a place to stash weapons. DHIMMI: Second class citizens (mainly Christians because most […]


Why was the terrorist general, Suleimani in Baghdad? Was he there for dinner, drinks, laughs and to tour the sights? President Trump has stated that Suleimani was there to plan something against Americans and American assets. Assuredly it was not about planting IEDs. He was there to plan something both audacious and spectacular. If President Trump was more specific, he might give away intelligence sources. No longer a part of government, I am allowed to speculate based on my long years of personal experience in the Middle East and now at home observing Iran using publicly available information. Suleimani had […]

Kurds, Kurdistan

In the treacherous world of Islam: The enemy of my friend is my enemy. The friend of my enemy is my enemy. Also: It’s me against my brother; It’s my brother and I against our cousins; It’s my brother, I, and our cousins against our neighbors; It’s my brother, I, our cousins, and our neighbors against their enemies; And so it goes. Moslems follow the teachings of Mohammed who demands to this day that all Moslem men must emulate him in every way that they can. Mohammed was a very vengeful person. On July 4th, 1187, Kurdish General, Saladin led […]

The Swamp Swallows Tillerson

The Swamp Swallows Tillerson By James E. Horn, former Diplomat Secretary of State (SECSTATE) Rex Tillerson just humiliated himself and embarrassed the Trump administration. SECSTATE Tillerson seems to have been badly muddied by denizens of the Deep State swamp at Fogy Bottom. Tillerson failed to adequately sweep the halls of grossly inept employees. A majority of policy wonks and advisors at the Department of State are elitists from solidly leftist/liberal Ivy League colleges and universities. This means that many are ideologically stuck in the cement of arrogant willful ignorance about much of the world, especially the Middle East. There is […]

An Obama Legacy

LEGACY DUMP James E. Horn, December 17, 2016     Barak Hussein Obama, our first Moslem in the White House has dumped a huge, messy, ugly legacy on Donald Trump.  Obama’s post January 20 title ought to be something like:  The Ugly Legacy Loser, the Former, Now Disgraced, President. This is both good and bad.  It is good because Obama’s really ugly messes which were intertwined with Hillary’s incompetence and nastiness are a terrible legacy.  Combined, Obama and Hillary enabled Trump to win the election. Come January 20, President Trump will start to clean this up.  He is already […]


James E. Horn, September 10, 2015 During America’s 239 years of existence, we have fought many wars, first to gain our freedom, then to preserve our freedom and the freedom of others in America and then around the world. American Presidents have been called ‘war presidents’ during these periods, and most were heroes for sticking up for others. In recent years a new phenomenon has arisen – WAR MONGER PRESIDENTS. These have been mercenaries using American troops in improper ways. The first WAR MONGER among them was William “Slick Willie” Clinton who was tasked by his Gulf oil Arab financiers […]

A LOOMING DISASTER (Sand Pit of Disaster) (WWIII)

By James E. Horn, April 13, 2016 Is the USA prepared for an unmitigated disaster that may soon cost thousands or even millions of American lives? Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and American Folly HISTORICALLY SPEAKING Western powers have not fared well recently in dealing with Islam. The British were handed their royal backsides in a basket after nearly two hundred years in Afghanistan/Pakistan and departed with their tails between their legs. When the Russians went into Afghanistan forty years ago, they had a good chance of success until the myopic progressives reactionaries, led by Jimmy Carter, stepped in to help our […]