
FBI – Revisited

FBI – Revisited This is in addition to a previous blog about the FBI. We have recently seen the performance before the Congress of the Department of Justice’s Rod Rosenstein who is famous for a reportedly fierce and vengeful temper; and the recent face off between Congressional investigators and discredited, biased FBI Agent and serial liar Peter Strzok where he bared his teeth in an almost audible snarl as he responded to questions he did not like. STRZOK IS THE FACE OF THE FBI. Rosenstein is the face of the DOJ. FBI Director Comey was fired because he was just […]

unsafe for the Civilized Community

Unsafe for the Civilized Community: THE SAD STATE OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT, CENSORSHIP ABUSES, AND OUR FAILING GOVERNMENT By James E. Horn We are many but not enough as individuals. We are Politically Incorrect. We may be Agnostics and Atheists, Jews, Buddhists, Christians, Hindu, Shinto, or of any decent, respectful, or even humble belief system or faith not inclined to kick or to push back, until now. Oh yes, if we were anti-American Communists or Moslems inclined to go off on a violent, intimidating, bulling, name calling rampage, it would be, and often is quite different. People fear Moslems because […]

Coup d’ Etat

DEEP STATE VS WE-THE-PEOPLE By James E. Horn, May 26, 2018 We all have been treated to daily or even hourly internet notifications, TV newscasts, print news, and radio broadcasts, etc. about President Trump having to deal with the Deep State’s efforts to remove him from office by just about any means. The Deep State are low lives left over from the Obama administration’s still deep swamp. Former FBI Director and close friend with fired (for just cause) FBI Director James Comey, Robert Mueler seems to be a point man in this very public assault on the office of the […]

Chains of Tyranny: California Governance Will Meet the Constitutional Juggernaut

I’ll begin this one with a note and a disclaimer: The information and opinions offered in this article are protected under the First Amendment. You have a First Amendment right to either read, pay attention and learn or, to ignore it and remain ignorant. It’s your free choice. I wish that I could wish everyone a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year. By any reasonable, responsible standard, California is off of the rails. The California elite have forgotten that America is a government of the PEOPLE (citizens) and for the PEOPLE. Our absurd pot loving dope pushing Governor Jerry Brown, aka […]


CALIFORNIA IS A “DEEP STATE” James E. Horn I have some very grave concerns about California as should anyone capable of critical thinking (something not taught in liberal California universities or law schools these days). With the “top two” shoved down our throats by the hypocritical, schizophrenic Democrats and their partners on the left, conservative voters have few options when elections show just two candidates from the same party on the ballot. This is the old fashioned Communist style of elections. This is what we Californians faced in the last Senatorial election with only Democrats Loretta Sanchez and Kamala Harris […]


CALIFORNIA IS A “DEEP STATE” James E. Horn I have some very grave concerns about California as should anyone capable of critical thinking (something not taught in liberal California universities or law schools these days). With the “top two” shoved down our throats by the hypocritical, schizophrenic Democrats and their partners on the left, conservative voters have few options when elections show just two candidates from the same party on the ballot. This is the old fashioned Communist style of elections. This is what we Californians faced in the last Senatorial election with only Democrats Loretta Sanchez and Kamala Harris […]


Something That Trump May Want To Fix By James E. Horn ( House Un-American Activities Committee I have been around this place for a while and have developed some strong political and people instincts. With years comes a degree of wisdom connected to a knowledge of history and social anthropology. After many years working in the American Intelligence and National Security community, I have a reasonably clear understanding of the threats facing our precious Republic, the United States of America. I study available information, facts, and figures from multiple sources and form my own opinions. Armed with knowledge and cognitive […]


Coming to Your Neighborhood And the FBI is Useless By James E. Horn The worst mass murder in recent America history took place at Orlando, Florida, on June 12th, 2016. The murderer was a Moslem, an Islamist, a terrorist. Born in the USA, he was unable to assimilate and be an American. His radicalization began at his home, and Mateen self-identified as an enemy of America, continued his radicalization, made his plans and carried them out. The President found himself in a quandary: Here was a beloved fellow Moslem who murdered a large number of Obama’s beloved LGBT community. What […]


Bostongate A White House Conspiracy? By James E. Horn Retired U.S. Diplomat (Counter Terrorism) Author: EXPERIENCING ISLAM [Censored by the CIA, Banned by Librarians] ISLAM in the Workplace HEALTHCARE IN AMERICA The savage Boston Marathon terrorist blasts were wildly cheered by “peace loving” Moslems the world over. Alert and capable Boston police quickly apprehended a Saudi citizen in the early stages of their investigation, Abdul al-Harbi, a terror watch list subject, and a “student” permitted to attend school in Findlay, Ohio, where he never showed up. Al Haribi was slightly wounded and spent a short period of time in […]