
Of Whistle Blowers and Inspectors General 1

INSPECTORS GENERAL Whistle Blowers The ineffective Inspector General (IG) Corps is in serious need of being inspected themselves. Their stated purpose in life is to conduct inspections within different elements of their respective federal agencies with a view to find irregularities and to initiate corrective actions up to and including referral to appropriate law enforcement agencies for criminal prosecutions. All Inspectors General are insiders coming from within the ranks of the government agency that they are responsible for inspecting. They are career members of their agencies and look forward to continuing and rising higher in their careers after they spend […]

The Gene Pool 1

It’s About the Gene Pool James E Horn Are we Americans in trouble? China is a huge menace. Islam is a vile, sneaky, stealthy menace that too few of us can properly grasp. Internally, we have a horrible dishonest corrosive axis of Democrats, Marxists, Communists, progressives weakening our precious, fragile republic. Those of us who truly care are disgusted and frustrated as we seek a way out of this morass. While we share common feelings, we are disunited and in need of capable leadership and understanding. History teaches that in distant ancient times, stronger tribes descended on and conquered weaker […]

Classification of Documents

It seems that just about every time our government, our science and technical communities, and military in particular develops something innovative or new, our foes seem to have it within weeks or months. It’s due to our own lack of human, cyber, and physical security. Top elected as well as appointed officials and senior Pentagon Brass often blithely purloin sensitive National Security documents for whatever reasons, to use in constructing memoirs, to sell to our enemies, or for illicit business gain. In all cases, whether out of ignorance, arrogance, or criminal intent, they are violating the Official Secrets Act. Because […]


DISGUSTING James E Horn I have voted in every election since 1961 when I was twenty-one years old and freshly out of the military. I have voted using paper ballots, punch cards, mechanical machines, and possibly/probably rigged electronic machines. I have also voted by absentee ballot. When I started voting, a photo ID was required to verify U.S. citizenship. This must be a nationwide requirement to verify that only verified U.S. citizens may cast a ballot. Anyone and everyone disputing this requirement must be treated as crackpots. Hate based outfits like the ACLU are hung up on the photo ID […]

May Riots

America is a melting pot of varied cultures and ethnicities. It is also a place where many idiots and fools hold high offices because idiots and fools elect them. Minneapolis is senselessly aflame as have many other cities and communities over the years as ethnic tensions erupt. I grew up in Minneapolis. My mother was a Police Officer in Minneapolis. We had many friends who were cops. I passed the strict requirements and was on the waiting list to become a cop myself before I was called to serve in America’s Diplomatic Corps. For a quarter of a century, I […]

WWIII Anyone ?

By Giacomino Nicolazzo March 24, 2020 Montecalvo, Lombardy, Italy. As I sit here in my involuntary isolation, it was just reported that overnight 743 more people died and 5.249 new cases have been reported. This brings the total cases of infection to 69,176 and the body count to 6,820. We take relief in knowing that 8,326 people have recovered so far. (Numbers as of 3/24, 8:30pm in Italy.) Most towns here in Italy, from the upper reaches of the Alps to the ancient shores of Sicilia and Sardenia, while not deserted, are closer to being ghost towns than the bustling […]


China lies and people die. China cheats and people suffer. For more than three years, President Trump has been bending over backwards to develop a mutually respectful relationship between China and the USA. He has been very respectful of China’s President Xi, even complimentary as he worked to level the playing field. Last fall, the COVID-19 (Wuhan China virus) started killing people in China and news of the outbreak was muted for months before courageous people started to inform the world. Chinese were jailed, killed, or disappeared as the virus spread. China has no respect for the greatest President that […]

Phil Haney

A friend and former colleague in the field of Counter-Terrorism has been found dead, apparently murdered. In 2016, Haney published a book, “See Something, Say Nothing,” that outlined the Obama administration’s attempts to block him from investigating Islamic radicalism because his investigations were inherently “racist” (a common claim by Islamists made against anyone who speaks the truth) toward the Muslim community. Counter Terrorism DHS Whistle blower on Obama Admin Phil Haney Found Dead ——————————————————————– Some comments from others OT: “Philip Haney. He was the DHS whistleblower that dropped the hammer on the Obama administration regarding the Muslim Brotherhood and […]

Screwing Californians, a new con-game 2

An Update on What you need to know about Community Choice Aggregate (CCA) By James E. Horn President Ronald Reagan once said that the most terrifying thing we can hear is: “I’m from the guvmint and I’m here to help you. Consumers must be beware A phony offering or promises (with abundant sweet talk, fuzzy math, and vague promises) to bring reduced electric bills – Community Choice Aggregates – is sponsored by an entity commonly known as a Regional Council of Governments (RCOG) or something similarly named depending on the community A Regional Council of Governments (RCOG) derives from or […]

Vetting Moslems at Miliary Bases 1

By James E. Horn Pensacola, Fla.: A Saudi national murdered four wonderful Americans while at least ten fellow Saudis stood by, watched, and even assisted the perpetrator. Days later, the Pentagon announced that it will do a better job of vetting foreign military student/trainees. HOGWASH! Properly and thoroughly vetting Saudis, Iraqis, Kuwaitis, Turks, Pakistanis, nationals of the fifty-seven (57) states of the umma of Islam is not feasible. Crime statistics near and at military training facilities that host some of these characters are grossly underreported by despicably Politically Correct military, federal, and local authorities, and the media. The fix is […]