John Bolton has character, is committed to the United States, has vast knowledge, and skills….
John Bolton has character, is committed to the United States, has vast knowledge, and skills….
Coming to Your Neighborhood And the FBI is Useless By James E. Horn The worst mass murder in recent America history took place at Orlando, Florida, on June 12th, 2016. The murderer was a Moslem, an Islamist, a terrorist. Born in the USA, he was unable to assimilate and be an American. His radicalization began at his home, and Mateen self-identified as an enemy of America, continued his radicalization, made his plans and carried them out. The President found himself in a quandary: Here was a beloved fellow Moslem who murdered a large number of Obama’s beloved LGBT community. What […]
By James E. Horn EMINENT DOMAIN Several years ago in an eastern city, there was a piece of land with a house on it. The surrounding land was vacant, owned by a developer who now wanted the house and the small parcel of land it sat on so they could build something. The elderly owner refused to sell. She wanted to live out her life in the small house that her parents had built. With some ($$$) motivation from the developer, the city fathers decided that they would seize her home under the guise of Eminent Domain. Eminent Domain was […]