Current Issues and Events


DISGUSTING James E Horn I have voted in every election since 1961 when I was twenty-one years old and freshly out of the military. I have voted using paper ballots, punch cards, mechanical machines, and possibly/probably rigged electronic machines. I have also voted by absentee ballot. When I started voting, a photo ID was required to verify U.S. citizenship. This must be a nationwide requirement to verify that only verified U.S. citizens may cast a ballot. Anyone and everyone disputing this requirement must be treated as crackpots. Hate based outfits like the ACLU are hung up on the photo ID […]


Deadly Vaccine By James E. Horn 10/22/2022 Dubbed the Wuhan Plague, the current survival rate for coronavirus infected Americans is reportedly better than 99.7% when appropriate treatment protocols using available products such as HCQ and Ivermectin are properly administered. When the Wuhan Plague was in its early stages, President Trump called for a vaccine to protect people from infection. Obviously, President Trump meant a viable, safe vaccine. Big Pharma did not deliver a safe, effective vaccine. Big Pharma betrayed President Trump and the American people by delivering toxic experiments. Champions of eugenics are fully supportive of administering the death/clot shots […]

America’s End? 4

America will not end in a flash or a bang. America might end with a whimper. If we get our stuff together, drain the swamp, lock, load, and bite the bullet we can win. Before World War II, the greatest Republic ever seen on this earth was already a target for elimination by vile psychopaths who developed followings and successors of like-minded sycophants who have multiplied themselves and now walk among and target us. Deep State NWO worshiping lunatics hold the highest levels of un-elected positions in our most sensitive agencies charged with protecting America, the DOD, DHS, FBI, and […]

Communist Democratic Socialist, Islamist (DCSI) MASTER PLAN 2

It’s part of the disgusting diabolical Communist Democratic Socialist, Islamist (DCSI) master plan to overcome our brains, our wills, and sensibilities and abilities to reason as they work to cancel our liberty, freedom, and to destroy our lives and our precious Republic. Their goal is to create cultural, economic, political, and racial chaos. Ho-hum: It seems that almost daily, new, fresh outrages are thrown in our faces – so much so that many, especially the lamebrained, the liberal whiners, The weak willed are becoming bored, inured to all of this bombardment to our senses. -Department of Injustice backed RICO tainted […]


The distribution of this information is protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. You have a First Amendment right to read and share this, or to not read it. CODE 20 EXPLAINED We are in troubling times that may be moving towards a violent conflict. President Trump was robbed of his 2020 re-election; the Communist Biden/Harris/Obama cabal are working to enslave us; both Islam (Islam is an ideology, not a race) and Communism are mortal existential threats along with the People’s Republic of China. The Deep State is real. They’re accountable to NOBODY […]

School Security Planning 4

No loving parent should ever have to bury their precious, treasured children. Again, beloved children have been shot and killed, this time in their Uvaldi, Texas, school. We have terribly sick elements in a uber liberal society that has refused, neglected, to step up to protect its most precious assets, this time with nineteen dead and hundreds traumatized with emotional scars that will last a lifetime. This issue has, for years, begged for a fix that nobody has seriously or comprehensively addressed. Partisan liberal politicians rail against guns and after a few days wander off. They fail to offer any […]

Today’s New World Order is Doomed 1

NEW WORLD ORDER (Orwell’s book – 1984) James E. Horn The guiding mantra of every NWO is ‘POWER BY ANY MEANS NECESSSARY’. The current Russia-Ukraine conflict brings renewed attention to the present New World Order who backed and encouraged Zelenskyy to provoke Russia. Zelenskyy’s Ukraine has been stalemated by freedom seeking ethnic Russians in the Donbas and Eastern Ukraine. Zelenskyy wanted to join NATO and thereby obtain advanced NATO weaponry and allies to use against the ethnic Russians. It backfired. Are Zelenskyy and the NWO responsible for provoking death and destruction in Ukraine by poking a finger in the […]

Russia’s Ukraine

My take on the Russian invasion of the Ukraine: While all of the TV pundits seem focused on Russian actions in the Ukraine, they appear to be somewhat ignorant of the ‘realpolitik’ involved. I believe that Vladimir Putin’s overarching consideration is the preservation and protection of a sovereign ‘mother’ Russia now and far into the future. A weakened, increasingly xenophobic Russian remnant of the USSR has felt vulnerable to what they understand to be a predatory west. Vladimir Putin was a serious chess master by the time he finished his KGB training and received his commission. He is more than […]

Ammo & Guns: Protect Them 1

Once again, Americans are faced with the ugly specter of gun seizures, draconian controls, prison sentences, and more at the hands of our Democratic – Communist – Nazi national leadership. Germany, Russia, China, North Korea, VietNam, Cambodia, and other nations outlawed and confiscated self defense guns before they collectively slaughtered over 200,000,000 innocents. Will America be added to this list of governments that slaughter innocent people before imposing draconian Communist controls on us – victims? The 1992 Los Angeles riots took a toll with dozens killed, thousands injured, and billions in damage to businesses and property leaving parts of Los […]

Is our Liberty, our Fragile Republic in Jeopardy? 1

By James E. We are in an increasingly chaotic near civil war crisis with Communist anarchists by whatever name they chose to use rioting in the streets, murdering citizens and police, and working to destroy our precious republic. We haven’t seen political violence of this nature or ferocity since the Civil War. Things are only going to get worse. President Trump has condemned the violence and Joe Biden, all of a sudden after noting that the violence was harming his campaign has chimed in, a hollow action. The Communist anarchists and their Democrat lackeys will not let up as […]