
Terrorists, Visas, Babies, Immigrants,

Terrorists, Visas, Babies, Immigrants By James E. Horn Presidential candidate Donald Trump told the truth, and all too many in the media and in opposition to him want to twist his words and the meaning of those words into something else. Most of us have seen them in America. In my case, as unkempt, dusty, quiet men at a grocery store buying a few cans of beer and perhaps some vittles and when done, they quietly disappear into the bushes. These are illegals who work at landscaping, ditch digging, daily labor, and other such menial dirty, noisy, and sometimes dangerous […]


Summer is on The Wane It’s all Heating Up By James E. Horn, Author, Speaker So much has been going up, down, or sideways the past few weeks that my head is spinning. How about yours? Before I unleash, however, I want to go back and recount that I was privileged to be at a gathering featuring Congressman Duncan Hunter a while back. Congressman Hunter nailed it about many so-called Republicans. Coming forward, what he said applies to the hashtag Never Trump and sore looser Cruz fans: Hunter hit it right smack on the head. At that earlier meeting, […]


Something That Trump May Want To Fix By James E. Horn ( House Un-American Activities Committee I have been around this place for a while and have developed some strong political and people instincts. With years comes a degree of wisdom connected to a knowledge of history and social anthropology. After many years working in the American Intelligence and National Security community, I have a reasonably clear understanding of the threats facing our precious Republic, the United States of America. I study available information, facts, and figures from multiple sources and form my own opinions. Armed with knowledge and cognitive […]


Coming to Your Neighborhood And the FBI is Useless By James E. Horn The worst mass murder in recent America history took place at Orlando, Florida, on June 12th, 2016. The murderer was a Moslem, an Islamist, a terrorist. Born in the USA, he was unable to assimilate and be an American. His radicalization began at his home, and Mateen self-identified as an enemy of America, continued his radicalization, made his plans and carried them out. The President found himself in a quandary: Here was a beloved fellow Moslem who murdered a large number of Obama’s beloved LGBT community. What […]


By James E. Horn EMINENT DOMAIN Several years ago in an eastern city, there was a piece of land with a house on it. The surrounding land was vacant, owned by a developer who now wanted the house and the small parcel of land it sat on so they could build something. The elderly owner refused to sell. She wanted to live out her life in the small house that her parents had built. With some ($$$) motivation from the developer, the city fathers decided that they would seize her home under the guise of Eminent Domain. Eminent Domain was […]


James E. Horn, September 10, 2015 During America’s 239 years of existence, we have fought many wars, first to gain our freedom, then to preserve our freedom and the freedom of others in America and then around the world. American Presidents have been called ‘war presidents’ during these periods, and most were heroes for sticking up for others. In recent years a new phenomenon has arisen – WAR MONGER PRESIDENTS. These have been mercenaries using American troops in improper ways. The first WAR MONGER among them was William “Slick Willie” Clinton who was tasked by his Gulf oil Arab financiers […]


By James E. Horn The Moslem Brotherhood’s Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has unleashed a sustained assault on the Republican Party regarding curbing Republican activities in educating Americans in the arena of American politics. This action is consistent with the Moslem Brotherhood’s efforts to suppress the first Amendment rights of free speech, the freedom to speak, and the freedom for others to hear. The GOP must ignore these bullying jihadi (holy war against our Constitution) attempts at intimidation aimed at silencing (killing the messengers) America’s important Republican organizations. This is what a patriotic, Constitution supporting organization must do – […]

A LOOMING DISASTER (Sand Pit of Disaster) (WWIII)

By James E. Horn, April 13, 2016 Is the USA prepared for an unmitigated disaster that may soon cost thousands or even millions of American lives? Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and American Folly HISTORICALLY SPEAKING Western powers have not fared well recently in dealing with Islam. The British were handed their royal backsides in a basket after nearly two hundred years in Afghanistan/Pakistan and departed with their tails between their legs. When the Russians went into Afghanistan forty years ago, they had a good chance of success until the myopic progressives reactionaries, led by Jimmy Carter, stepped in to help our […]