
January 6, 2021

J-6, 2021 by James Horn Over the past four years, I have learned and observed and gained a perspective on J-6: On the night of January 5, 2021, the DC mayor ordered police escorts for busses hauling ANTIFA types into the heart of the District of Columbia where later, sporting Trump garb, they infiltrated the estimated one million strong MAGA crowd at the Trump rally. Many legitimate Trumpians (including my wife) noticed the unsmiling young men circulating until the Capitol police pulled barriers aside, opened doors, and invited (ANTIFA) rioters into the Capitol building. It has finally been affirmed by […]

Marxists, Communists, Moslems = Education fails

The Marxist tyrants concluded decades ago that they cannot possibly win over an educated, moral, and ethically decent America. Through a stealthy agenda, the deplorable commies began a ‘thousand cuts’ campaign to denigrate and destroy America from within. Using drugs and other illicit activities, they went after the weakest and most vulnerable, our youth. Drugs and related excesses fried their brains and we keep them alive so that they become wealth and energy sucking parasites dragging their families and communities down. Drug cartels became enormously wealthy and started on paths of ownership and control of politicians up and down the […]

Tyrants, Joe/Kamala

IMHO, we all need to understand that the Democratic-Communist party (including co-opted Federal agencies) monolith is comprised of a cabal of mentally ill haters partnering with some foreign governments. The Democrats fear and desperately want Trump out of the presidential race so that their Orwellian hatred can see conservatives and Christians jailed and sent to re-education slave camps leaving Kamal-a, Walz, Barak Hussein, Big Mike, Soros, Gates, NWO, etc. ruling over us serfs. Most reprehensible is Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo who recently called for Trump to be ‘extinguished’. The Democrat biased lapdog media keep pushing the phony narrative that […]


A recent report claims the assassination attempt on Trump was “foiled” Foiled? By who? The attempt failed due to Divine Intervention. President Trump was nearly murdered in Pennsylvania by an allowed assassin on July 13, 2024. Yes, the assassin was PERMITTED to take his shot and was then shot (silenced) by snipers. America has vast, redundant intelligence gathering resources that capture anything and everything in the airwaves. Anyone professing surprise by Crooks’ action is ignorant or complicit. An octogenarian Navy veteran with 25+ years of experience in National Security, I understand a few things. I’ve gathered, analyzed, reported, and acted […]


You May Be A Target America is rapidly becoming a very unsafe place. The rest of the world is becoming increasingly unsafe. When one steps out of their home, workplace, house of worship or elsewhere, even at their homes, bad people lurk. My mother was a cop. My father was an MP. I had neighbors and close friends who were cops, I’ve worked in National security with law enforcement types. I like cops. I really like good, honest cops who do their sworn duty correctly. Knife wielding followers of Mohammed’s ideology of hatred have been using knives to carve innocents […]


AMERICA’S JUDICIARY ON TRIAL James E Horn Americans who care are following illegitimate, corrupt, ineffective, wasteful, failing depraved White House organized Democratic operatives’ thrashing of serial defendant, President Trump in sham trials in kangaroo courts using lawfare. Simply, there are no crimes, and there are no victims, except for President Trump perversely being serially victimized. They may think they have President Trump on trial, but parts of America’s Judiciary are in fact on trial. In NEW YORK, Attorney General Letty (Letishia) James (campaign paid for by Soros) campaigned saying she would put Trump in jail – over what can best […]


Divorce, NO! Temporary Partition to Restore Order – YES! By James E. Horn This has been on my mind for a long time: It could act as a partial guideline. The preamble to the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, IN PART: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government […]

The Union

Divorce, NO! Temporary Partition to Restore Order – YES! By James E. Horn This has been on my mind for a long time: It could act as a guideline. We do not need an Article V Convention of States to amend our Constitution at this point, do we? A limited Convention to deal with a single proposed and agreed upon subject may be appropriate. America, after decades of Maoist/Marxist/Communist progressive influence is a mess. Some people are starting to call for a dissolution of the Union, a divorce. As the political climate in America becomes increasingly polarized, this controversial movement […]

The Gene Pool 1

It’s About the Gene Pool James E Horn Are we Americans in trouble? China is a huge menace. Islam is a vile, sneaky, stealthy menace that too few of us can properly grasp. Internally, we have a horrible dishonest corrosive axis of Democrats, Marxists, Communists, progressives weakening our precious, fragile republic. Those of us who truly care are disgusted and frustrated as we seek a way out of this morass. While we share common feelings, we are disunited and in need of capable leadership and understanding. History teaches that in distant ancient times, stronger tribes descended on and conquered weaker […]


WHISTLEBLOWER JEOPARDY By James E. Horn Does anyone ever wonder about whistleblowers being mostly long-time gov ernment employees who’ve been around long enough to take their pensions and leave? [Which I did after I blew the whistle on a huge multi-million fraud.] Why not younger people blowing the whistle? Typically a whistleblower in any federal agency can or will be subjected to intimidation and/or threats usually about losing their jobs, being suspended for long terms without pay, being demoted, losing their security clearances and access to their work spaces, facing a future without promotions or pay raises regardless of their […]