American Military, First Responders, Law Enforcement

Kurds, Kurdistan

In the treacherous world of Islam: The enemy of my friend is my enemy. The friend of my enemy is my enemy. Also: It’s me against my brother; It’s my brother and I against our cousins; It’s my brother, I, and our cousins against our neighbors; It’s my brother, I, our cousins, and our neighbors against their enemies; And so it goes. Moslems follow the teachings of Mohammed who demands to this day that all Moslem men must emulate him in every way that they can. Mohammed was a very vengeful person. On July 4th, 1187, Kurdish General, Saladin led […]

Getting Out of Syria

Getting Out of The Syrian Sand Pit By James E. Horn We hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the scrambled egg hat wearing brass at the Pentagon. President Trump is pulling out of Syria. I think that is wonderful and shows that President Trump is smart – brilliant. The brass hat generals are little concerned about the many American body bags that have already come home, and the hundreds of shattered, wounded men. They just want more American blood and guts spread in the sands of Syria. The vast majority of those generals and their sycophant staffers have […]


Strasbourg, Yellow Vests, Colonization, Colonials and Citizens Push Back By James E. Horn We Americans missed the boat, or can we say that we dodged this bullet? Led by the British colonization of America plus the British and the French, Western Europeans colonized, Africa, the Middle East, and much of Asia. They are now harvesting the fruits of their labor….. Early on, the American colonies (with the valued help of France) kicked the British out, and we’ve (Americans, British, French) been more-or-less allies in many ways ever since. However, since joining the socialist European Union and repeatedly electing socialist governments […]

Pressure valve Latin America

Invasion Force Caravan, Pressure Release By James E. Horn During my lifetime, I have observed that in order to get some people or animals to do something, the occasional application of a psychological cudgel is needed. Right now, we are facing a national emergency. The mob/caravan of invaders heading our way can and should be stopped by either their own governments, by Guatemala, or Mexico, or us. While some of the members of those caravans may be innocent, we cannot determine who are innocent or who are malignant violent career criminals, smugglers, slavers, America hating Moslem terrorists, druggies, pedophiles, rapists, […]


Spies, Espionage, Collusion THE SWAMP Be James E. Horn Former FBI director and now partisan hack Robert Mueller is a true boogeyman knowingly in search of a faux boogeyman dubbed Russian collusion based on a contrived (fake) accusation. After more than 500 days of not finding anything to implicate President Trump, Mueller needs to look at himself in a mirror to see a real, genuine enemy of we-the-people’s presidency. Mueller’s gross, failed witch hunt is simply disgusting. Nobody should doubt for a minute that Russians colluded by paying millions to Hillary and her gangster crew and sent millions to others […]

FBI – Revisited

FBI – Revisited This is in addition to a previous blog about the FBI. We have recently seen the performance before the Congress of the Department of Justice’s Rod Rosenstein who is famous for a reportedly fierce and vengeful temper; and the recent face off between Congressional investigators and discredited, biased FBI Agent and serial liar Peter Strzok where he bared his teeth in an almost audible snarl as he responded to questions he did not like. STRZOK IS THE FACE OF THE FBI. Rosenstein is the face of the DOJ. FBI Director Comey was fired because he was just […]

FIRES! Who Wins? Who Loses?

California’s fire season is in full swing with many terrible wildfires and hundreds of “lesser” fires. We have very low humidity, no rain, brutally high temperatures and winds to fan these along. It is awful, and it happens every year. It seems to be to be getting worse every year. Thousands of people have faced evacuations on short notice, and all too often many return home to piles of ashes. Each and every one of them is a tragic victim. Brave fire fighters are dying protecting others’ property. Civilians, real people die, too. Recently the body of a great grandmother […]


FBI Fear Biased Investigators By James E. Horn When I was a child, I was enthralled by G-men who fearlessly sallied forth to deal with the evil parts of society. I watched TV shows, went to movies, read comic books about them – a true believer, an innocent child. When I entered government service while in my 20’s, it was kind of exciting to become a part of the ‘brotherhood’ of federal employees dedicated to serving and protecting our nation, the national security agencies. My bubble faded as revelations and news articles began to circulate about J. Edgar Hoover’s peculiar […]

Chains of Tyranny: California Governance Will Meet the Constitutional Juggernaut

I’ll begin this one with a note and a disclaimer: The information and opinions offered in this article are protected under the First Amendment. You have a First Amendment right to either read, pay attention and learn or, to ignore it and remain ignorant. It’s your free choice. I wish that I could wish everyone a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year. By any reasonable, responsible standard, California is off of the rails. The California elite have forgotten that America is a government of the PEOPLE (citizens) and for the PEOPLE. Our absurd pot loving dope pushing Governor Jerry Brown, aka […]

Will Those Doors Stay Shut?

By James E. Horn Mohammed’s colonizing Islam is just plain evil and more people outside of the West know and understand than those many willfully ignorant, so-called intellectuals and self-proclaimed smart people in the west. Two countries where I have lived are stepping up to slam the door to Islamofascist colonizers. Others are likewise closing their doors to nasty colonizers, aka Islamofascists. They are courageous, wise people. Their wisdom is derived from bitter experience of their ancestors. We can learn a great deal by watching them and then emulating them. Africa From 1971-1973, I lived in a capital city called […]