James E. Horn

About James E. Horn

Retired American Diplomat served in American embassies and consulates for 25-years, ten in Islamic societies. I am not a fan of Islam. I do public speaking and have books listed.


There Are Socialists and Then There Are Socialists By James E. Horn There are two (2) kinds of socialists in this world, benign and malignant. BENIGN SOCIALISTS God is a socialist and if one lives by his rules, life will be good. Jesus, the ultimate altruist was a benign socialist who preached about God’s love. Churches, Synagogues, Buddhist, Taoist, and Hindu temples, etc. who promote goodness are benign. Israel is benign in that it wants to have a life of freedom and liberty for its citizens free of threats and attacks by anti-Semites. The United States’ Constitution and Bill of […]

Political Rape

The Inquisition and Rape of Brett Kavanaugh By James E. Horn The swamp cannot tolerate President Trump’s being legitimately elected to the Presidency and anything and everything he is doing, most of which is good, decent, and valuable for the American people The swamp has gone insane trying to destroy the Trump administration, and are seemingly (hopefully) destroying themselves. They are succeeding in this because they have no redeeming values, no class, no character. They have adopted the Napoleonic code of an accused being guilty until proven to be innocent. Their current target is Brett Kavanaugh, his nomination to the […]


The media (the leftists and their Democratic lap dogs) have their pants on fire in a (Russian inspired?) effort to discredit President Trump over so called Russian meddling in the 2016 elections. BooHoo! Why didn’t they raise hell regarding Willie Clinton, Bush/43, and Obama who were very well aware of Russian meddling? One form of meddling would entail manipulation of data. Did he Russians manipulate data in GOP computers, in DNC computers, Hillary’s computers, in voting databases, in news reports? Or did the Russians merely gather information? President Trump had the courage to go toe-to-toe with Putin on meddling and […]


ELITE ARROGANCE Unsafe for the Civilized Community: THE SAD STATE OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT, GROSS CENSORSHIP ABUSES, AND OUR FAILING GOVERNMENT We are many but not enough as individuals. Many are Politically Incorrect. We may be Agnostics and Atheists, Jews, Buddhists, Christians, Hindu, Shinto, or of any decent, respectful, or even humble belief system or faith not inclined to kick or to push back, until now. Oh yes, if we were anti-American Communists or Moslem Bolsheviks inclined to go off on a violent, intimidating, bulling, name calling rampage, it would be, and often is quite different. People fear Moslems because […]


Spies, Espionage, Collusion THE SWAMP Be James E. Horn Former FBI director and now partisan hack Robert Mueller is a true boogeyman knowingly in search of a faux boogeyman dubbed Russian collusion based on a contrived (fake) accusation. After more than 500 days of not finding anything to implicate President Trump, Mueller needs to look at himself in a mirror to see a real, genuine enemy of we-the-people’s presidency. Mueller’s gross, failed witch hunt is simply disgusting. Nobody should doubt for a minute that Russians colluded by paying millions to Hillary and her gangster crew and sent millions to others […]


President Donald J. Trump is a true tree hugger, and I’m not sure he has ever been in a forest. We mustn’t let any liberals, progressives, or snowflakes see this, they wouldn’t be able to handle it. Many of those snowflakes claim to be tree huggers while they have in fact facilitated the destruction of forests. While the liberals/progressives have busily and forcefully obstructed good husbandry of our forests and wild lands, we have recently experienced some of the most violent and destructive fires imaginable. Those so-called wild fires have destroyed untold millions of trees. Many of those fires were […]


Sovereignty is defined as the full right and power of a governing body over itself, without any interference from outside sources or bodies. Sovereign nations have the full right and power to protect their citizens, their borders, and all that they govern. There are more than 157 nations on this globe and each and every one of them has sovereign rights to exercise for their own benefit or to ignore at their peril. Japan has a sovereign right to protect their nation and their people. They are very protective of their sovereignty at their borders, and to protect their sovereign […]


ELITE ARROGANCE Unsafe for the Civilized Community: THE SAD STATE OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT, GROSS CENSORSHIP ABUSES, AND OUR FAILING GOVERNMENT We are many but not enough as individuals. Many are Politically Incorrect. We may be Agnostics and Atheists, Jews, Buddhists, Christians, Hindu, Shinto, or of any decent, respectful, or even humble belief system or faith not inclined to kick or to push back, until now. Oh yes, if we were anti-American Communists or Moslem Bolsheviks inclined to go off on a violent, intimidating, bulling, name calling rampage, it would be, and often is quite different. People fear Moslems because […]


Unsafe for the Civilized Community: THE SAD STATE OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT, GROSS CENSORSHIP ABUSES, AND OUR FAILING GOVERNMENT By James E. Horn We are many but not enough as individuals. Many are Politically Incorrect. We may be Agnostics and Atheists, Jews, Buddhists, Christians, Hindu, Shinto, or of any decent, respectful, or even humble belief system or faith not inclined to kick or to push back, until now. Oh yes, if we were anti-American Communists or Moslem Bolsheviks inclined to go off on a violent, intimidating, bulling, name calling rampage, it would be, and often is quite different. People fear […]

FBI – Revisited

FBI – Revisited This is in addition to a previous blog about the FBI. We have recently seen the performance before the Congress of the Department of Justice’s Rod Rosenstein who is famous for a reportedly fierce and vengeful temper; and the recent face off between Congressional investigators and discredited, biased FBI Agent and serial liar Peter Strzok where he bared his teeth in an almost audible snarl as he responded to questions he did not like. STRZOK IS THE FACE OF THE FBI. Rosenstein is the face of the DOJ. FBI Director Comey was fired because he was just […]