James E. Horn

About James E. Horn

Retired American Diplomat served in American embassies and consulates for 25-years, ten in Islamic societies. I am not a fan of Islam. I do public speaking and have books listed.


CALIFORNIA IS A “DEEP STATE” James E. Horn I have some very grave concerns about California as should anyone capable of critical thinking (something not taught in liberal California universities or law schools these days). With the “top two” shoved down our throats by the hypocritical, schizophrenic Democrats and their partners on the left, conservative voters have few options when elections show just two candidates from the same party on the ballot. This is the old fashioned Communist style of elections. This is what we Californians faced in the last Senatorial election with only Democrats Loretta Sanchez and Kamala Harris […]


CENSORSHIP? Really? Where’s the FIRST AMENDMENT? By James E. Horn, July, 2017 Censorship is alive in America, very alive, very vicious, and very active. This activity of censoring, of controlling or limiting free speech is far more prevalent than most people understand or would believe. The Deep State, or as I call them, The Dark Side (DSDS) despise most of us citizens, Americans, Patriots and our freedoms, our liberty. Who are they? What are they? Where are they? Why? Who are the Dark Side? Most are intolerant hard-core leftist Democratic socialist-progressive jihadists and Communists. They demonize and hate us with […]

THE RUSSIANS ARE HERE! By James E Horn The leftist media, like frantic drug addicts are hooked on what they claim is direct Russian involvement in the election that President Trump won. They are so intolerant of President Trump that like drowning rats, they cling to a hollow straw. That’s SNAFU (Situation Normal, All Fouled Up). The Mexico owned New York Times is in a tizzy reporting that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer at some point, but didn’t mention that the meeting was arranged by a Democrat operative. The (Mexican) Times also reported that Russians (OH my […]

Sorrow on the Horizon?

The Left Is……. By James E. Horn While watching the news on a recent Friday morning, I was brought to attention by a vapid, senseless Liberal explaining her and her Democratic colleagues’ agenda in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Many words come to mind, some unprintable. Insane, evil, hateful, anti-American, vicious, are just a few. This Congressperson’s attitude is clear: She explained that the Democrats in the Senate and Congress will jerk their knees and declare or vote “NO” to whatever the Republicans or President Trump propose. The Democrats are therefore KNEEJERK – NO politicians. She is a […]

USS Fitzgerald, Fog, Deceit, Fishy Business

USS Fitzgerald – A Foggy Mystery By James E. Horn Was the USS Fitzgerald (DDG-62) attacked? The more I learn about and study this, the more murky it gets. The USS Fitzgerald was struck on its starboard (right) side by a loaded Philippine flagged (Japanese owned) container ship, the ACX Crystal at sea on June 17th in heavily traveled sea lanes off of the coast of Japan, about 60-miles southwest of Yokosuka, Japan (80 +- miles from Tokyo Harbour. The warship ship is based at the American Navy’s base at Yokosuka. Seven American sailors were killed, the captain was crushed […]


CALIFORNIA IS A “DEEP STATE” James E. Horn I have some very grave concerns about California as should anyone capable of critical thinking (something not taught in liberal California universities or law schools these days). With the “top two” shoved down our throats by the hypocritical, schizophrenic Democrats and their partners on the left, conservative voters have few options when elections show just two candidates from the same party on the ballot. This is the old fashioned Communist style of elections. This is what we Californians faced in the last Senatorial election with only Democrats Loretta Sanchez and Kamala Harris […]


CALIFORNIA IS A “DEEP STATE” James E. Horn I have some very grave concerns about California as should anyone capable of critical thinking (something not taught in liberal California universities or law schools these days). With the “top two” shoved down our throats by the hypocritical, schizophrenic Democrats and their partners on the left, conservative voters have few options when elections show just two candidates from the same party on the ballot. This is the old fashioned Communist style of elections. This is what we Californians faced in the last Senatorial election with only Democrats Loretta Sanchez and Kamala Harris […]

Swamp Muck

How the Hell Did This Happen? James E. Horn The headline reads: “The Department of Justice has arrested 25-year-old left-wing activist “Reality Leigh Winner“, aka “Reality Winner” aka “Sara Winner“, aka “Sara Winners“, for leaking classified NSA intelligence to online media The Intercept. I am outraged by this report and the meanings behind it. I retired from the Department of State when things functioned after a fashion. When I earlier left the Navy, I had a DOD security clearance for TOP SECRET. When I joined the Department of State they proceeded to re-investigate, to conduct a full field (complete, and […]


PRESIDENT TRUMP’S CHALLENGE By James E. Horn President Trump has been focusing on the infrastructure of America, something that has been sorely neglected or even sabotaged for decades. Boy, oh boy, do we need to get going on that. Thousands of bridges are obsolete and increasingly frail. We need to replace them or provide serious updates to keep them safe and keep our cars, trucks, and trains moving. Having a nice car, especially in a place like California is becoming more and more of a liability considering the condition of roads and highways that are deteriorating with minimal repair and […]

Oh! SWEDEN, A Lamentation and a Challenge

OH! Sweden: I am torn. I am so disappointed. OH! Sweden! Where should I begin this sad but hopeful letter? OH! Sweden! How can I express my feelings, or is it passion for you, OH! Sweden!? OH! Sweden! I am an American. I have never – my big, strong, fair skinned, blond, blue-eyed body has never been on the soil of Sweden. Emma Stina was born in Sweden. I don’t know the city of her birth or the circumstances. Her early life and coming to America are an unknown story for me, a mystery. Was she from a rich family? […]