James E Horn

I have voted in every election since 1961 when I was twenty-one years old and freshly out of the military. I have voted using paper ballots, punch cards, mechanical machines, and possibly/probably rigged electronic machines. I have also voted by absentee ballot.

When I started voting, a photo ID was required to verify U.S. citizenship. This must be a nationwide requirement to verify that only verified U.S. citizens may cast a ballot. Anyone and everyone disputing this requirement must be treated as crackpots. Hate based outfits like the ACLU are hung up on the photo ID thing claiming it is racist. No, it is appropriate to verify who we citizens are. If we must take measures to not upset someone’s racist applecart, then we can establish a national standard for all 50-states, the District of Columbia, and US territories to use a thumb print and/or a retinal scan.

I have traveled, lived and worked abroad for 25-years as an American diplomat. As a mostly casual observer, I learned how different nations conduct their elections/polling where some countries had as many as sixteen political parties. They got their ballots counted on election day.

We are supposed to be a world leader in technology. But when it comes to balloting and tabulating ballots, we are a laughing stock banana republic of the third rank. Corruption abounds! With all of our high technology, it takes weeks to tabulate (weeks to corrupt the process and install fake, manufactured ballots into the electronic systems which can be hacked, manipulated, and corrupted). Nobody with two functioning brain cells believes in the integrity of our system/s. When people complain that elections have been stolen, they are 100% correct!

We’re using electronic devices made by countries that do NOT have our best interests in mind, that have a vested interest in the outcomes of our elections, who can and likely do manipulate our votes.

We have the capability to do it right. Why aren’t we doing it right?
All foreign made machines must be returned to their manufacturers who must give us a refund on each machine, or simply trashed.

We need visible hard ballots, either paper or punch cards that can be verified by individual voters or non-partisan monitors throughout the process. Everything must be tabulated in an open, visible process (no black boxes) that does not employ any computerized gadgetry vulnerable to hacking or manipulation.

Our voting/tabulating equipment must be:
• American made.
• Visible.
• Stand alone with no external wires or power supply cords.
• Battery powered.
• Tempest proof – no emissions.
• Shielded from the full spectrum of RF interference.
• Tamper proof.

Everybody with functioning brain cells must rain again and again on any and all officials involved in any way and every way to get the above done, to restore viability, integrity, efficiency, TRUST. This must be done before the next national elections take place.

End the Corruption NOW!

About James E. Horn

Retired American Diplomat served in American embassies and consulates for 25-years, ten in Islamic societies. I am not a fan of Islam. I do public speaking and have books listed.

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  • Robin Itzler - Patriot Neighbors

    James, your commentary is very sad but true regarding our nation’s voting. Thanks to Democrats with assist by weak Republicans, the United States is a FOURTH-world banana republic. No matter what Republicans do to work around the planned election cheating, Democrats don’t care. They will cheat. They will cheat. They will cheat. They are going to cheat to get the Senate. If we are lucky, we get the House by a couple of votes and then what? There will be enough turncoat Republicans to vote with Democrats. Democrats fight to win while Republicans don’t want to get dirty in the fight. At least most Republican leadership. And this is why we love Donald Trump. Trump is not perfect (who is?) and he makes many mistakes (who doesn’t), but Trump fights to win!

  • Michael Peppe

    Damn straight. You are correct on every point, sir. I am beyond flabbergasted that we, and the pathetic, preposterous GOP, let the Damnocrats steal ANOTHER election, when we had all of two years to stop them. They even elected a brain-damaged near-vegetable, and a dead man!! We are now officially a Third World Banana Republic, if we weren’t already.

  • Steve

    I LIKE this JAMES HORN, he wud be a darn good sec of sate, house speaker, vice president, heck, even president..has darn good opinions on what is happening to OUR COUNTRY…HE’S GOT MY VOTE!!

  • Rob L

    Great article, Jim! What a joke our country has become. Are we to believe that the majority of people (who voted for crackpots like Fetterman) voted AGAINST their best interests?? Not a chance. Excellent comments about how to make our elections secure and creditable again.


    Dear James,
    This is an excellent essay and loaded with truth. We disparately need your suggestions enacted
    and it probably will need an act of Congress. Are there enough members of Congress that had to steal their election to block it?

    I will try to get this in the hands of our Governor in Florida. I think he would love to be the first to
    guarantee honesty in elections. It would be great if you would communicate your thoughts directly to him.
    Thanks James for promoting your great ideas.

    With warm regards,
    Ted Mayhew

  • Lyneil Vandermolen

    Everyone sign up to be a precinct committee person. We are the ones watching the elections and filing our findings. We are the ones who visit our sheriff’s offices and remind them of their Constitutional duties. Most of them think they were only elected to run the jail and take orders from their overseers. WRONG.
    There are many other duties as a PCP and you can make what you do consistent with your abilities and time. Constant pressure is the key.