Tyrants, Joe/Kamala

IMHO, we all need to understand that the Democratic-Communist party (including co-opted Federal agencies) monolith is comprised of a cabal of mentally ill haters partnering with some foreign governments. The Democrats fear and desperately want Trump out of the presidential race so that their Orwellian hatred can see conservatives and Christians jailed and sent to re-education slave camps leaving Kamal-a, Walz, Barak Hussein, Big Mike, Soros, Gates, NWO, etc. ruling over us serfs. Most reprehensible is Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo who recently called for Trump to be ‘extinguished’.

The Democrat biased lapdog media keep pushing the phony narrative that Kamala and Trump are polling neck and neck: One news outlet was hard pressed to find pro-Kamala women to appear on a liberal program. Some polling “experts” are identifying about an 8%+ anti-Trump bias in polls. Kamala has tiny audiences (sometimes paid to attend) of just hundreds or dozens at Kamala rallies vs. throngs at Trump rallies. Their unabated hatred is splitting the nation and could cause a civil war.
Despicable Democrats cheered the recent assassination attempt in Florida and the DOJ even published the failed shooter’s bounty for Trump’s death. They know Trump can’t be defeated at a fair ballot box, so they want him dead and are encouraging fellow reprehensible dirtbags to go after Trump. They’ve already drawn first blood from Trump’s ear. They have even adopted the BS ideology of Islam’s mantra that victims are always guilty of everything whatever the case may be, of blaming Trump for attempts on his life. Given their unmitigated hatred, they will target half of America if they get a chance.

Intolerant, terrified Democrats can’t survive on a level field. They need to tip the scales in their favor by bringing millions of illegals into the United States to vote for them, mess with ballots, violate civil and voting laws, etc. They are terrified of gun owners who champion the Bill of Rights’ Second Amendment and they want to jail anyone who speaks out disagreeing with their nonsense. People who care need to start reciprocating.

Tyrannical Joe Biden, echoed by Kamala Harris have claimed that the Second Amendment was never absolute. The Second Amendment, the right to own and bear guns IS clearly absolute. Kamala has said that Americans need to be safe in their homes – by raiding private homes and grabbing our guns. Under the Castle Doctrine, armed homeowners have a right to protect and defend against any intruders including FBI Sturmabteilung (stormtroopers, SWAT). Be prepared for them to break the law: https://www.jamesehorn.com/ammo-guns-protect-them/. [Thomas Jefferson taught: The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.]

About James E. Horn

Retired American Diplomat served in American embassies and consulates for 25-years, ten in Islamic societies. I am not a fan of Islam. I do public speaking and have books listed.

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