Monthly Archives: February 2020

Sour Pusses

On Wednesday, February 20th, I Joined my friend, Bob Kowell as we spent a part of today in Rancho Mirage, Calif. at pro-Trump rallies. When Bob and I drove up to one area, we saw a bunch of American flags and smiling faces on one side of the highway and a bunch or sour pusses with zero American flags across the street The smiles had Trump posters and the sour pusses had hate Trump posters. No surprise there. To reach the friendlies, we had to pass through the opposition and three Sheriff deputies decided to escort us as we had […]

Phil Haney

A friend and former colleague in the field of Counter-Terrorism has been found dead, apparently murdered. In 2016, Haney published a book, “See Something, Say Nothing,” that outlined the Obama administration’s attempts to block him from investigating Islamic radicalism because his investigations were inherently “racist” (a common claim by Islamists made against anyone who speaks the truth) toward the Muslim community. Counter Terrorism DHS Whistle blower on Obama Admin Phil Haney Found Dead ——————————————————————– Some comments from others OT: “Philip Haney. He was the DHS whistleblower that dropped the hammer on the Obama administration regarding the Muslim Brotherhood and […]