Monthly Archives: December 2018

Getting Out of Syria

Getting Out of The Syrian Sand Pit By James E. Horn We hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the scrambled egg hat wearing brass at the Pentagon. President Trump is pulling out of Syria. I think that is wonderful and shows that President Trump is smart – brilliant. The brass hat generals are little concerned about the many American body bags that have already come home, and the hundreds of shattered, wounded men. They just want more American blood and guts spread in the sands of Syria. The vast majority of those generals and their sycophant staffers have […]


Strasbourg, Yellow Vests, Colonization, Colonials and Citizens Push Back By James E. Horn We Americans missed the boat, or can we say that we dodged this bullet? Led by the British colonization of America plus the British and the French, Western Europeans colonized, Africa, the Middle East, and much of Asia. They are now harvesting the fruits of their labor….. Early on, the American colonies (with the valued help of France) kicked the British out, and we’ve (Americans, British, French) been more-or-less allies in many ways ever since. However, since joining the socialist European Union and repeatedly electing socialist governments […]