Monthly Archives: December 2017


It’s December already! Will 2018 be much different? The City of San Francisco collectively murdered Kate Steinle and turned the tool of their ugliness loose this week. I believe that some vigilante justice is in order where extra-legal actions could be taken regarding the politicians who made San Francisco into such a disgusting pit of depravity. As went Rome, so shall go San Francisco. There will be consequences: The Department of Justice plans to arrest the triggerman and deal with him appropriately. In this connection, can he DOJ arrest and prosecute some officials in Frisco for harboring a criminal, or […]


The Saudi Monarch, King Saliman, is aged and frail. His days are numbered. In Islamic terms, he has been liberal during his reign, establishing, for instance, that women should (at some time in the future) be permitted to drive cars. King Saliman is one of many of children sired by his father with multiple wives in a tradition that goes back 100+ years to when the modern Saudi nation arose out of the rubble of the Ottoman Empire which was dismantled following World War I when the Turks sided with the losing side, the Germans. The origins of multiple wives […]